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Barney and Jake’s excellent playdate

Made or posted on Nov 4, 2013

In dog society, where young Labradoodles must polish their manners before they are welcomed as polite company, three-year-old Jake gave valuable lessons on Saturday to three-month-old Barney, still small and  just starting puppy career. There were lessons in restraint and gentling of play-bites. Jake taught advanced full-body leaning skills, which can also be used to nearly knock over people who are inadequately alert. When the first round of play was done, Jake calmly led Barney off the field of battle.

GIF animation, puppy playdate

The playdate was arranged by Richard and Arlene (below), co-owners of Barney and Jake, respectively.



See also

Barney’s first 12 weeks
The rest of Barney’s first year
Fiercely playful: fake violence in America’s dog parks